舞鶴市一斉メールでコロナ感染が拡散される問題 回避方法が判明 多々見市長の個人情報拡散メールにより多くの市民が怯えていますがその被害食い止めたい 舞鶴でコロナに感染したら見る動画

舞鶴メール配信サービスでコロナ感染を晒される問題の回避方法 やばいぜ舞鶴

舞鶴メール配信サービス登録すると届く舞鶴の情報 その中で気になるものがあります .
それはコロナ感染者の個人情報 舞鶴市では不特定多数に配信されるメールにコロナ感染者の個人情報(会社名、学校名)が記載されています。

How to avoid the problem of corona infection spread by Maizuru City’s simultaneous e-mails. Many citizens are frightened by Mayor Tatami’s e-mails spreading personal information, but we want to stop the damage.

Maizuru Mail Delivery Service: Information about Maizuru that you receive when you register.
In Maizuru City, the personal information (company name, school name) of people infected with corona is included in e-mails sent to an unspecified number of people.
I’m a business owner, but if I were to get infected in this rural town and spread the news throughout Maizuru, I would lose my business.
So even if I wanted to go to the hospital, I wouldn’t be able to.
I’ve been complaining about the danger, but it hasn’t improved, so I investigated the current situation and found a way to prevent the spread of the disease through e-mail distribution.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
