【舞鶴の医療崩壊】招いたのは舞鶴の権力闘争が原因だった!旧市長vs有力市会議員&医者の学閥争い その原因を探ります やばいぜ 舞鶴 森本隆ならこう変える 舞鶴の裏話や隠された真実を暴いて伝えます

医師であった多々見市長がTOPダウンで舞鶴の医療再生に挑み、そして失敗したのはなぜか? その裏側には何があったのか?
欲のため、見栄のために舞鶴の医療が崩壊したとなれば大問題 舞鶴の医療問題に対して新たな見地からその内情を探ります。

The collapse of medical care in Maizuru.
The power struggle in Maizuru was the cause of the collapse!
The old mayor vs. the influential city council members and the academic clique of doctors 
We will expose and tell the truth behind the scenes and the hidden truth about Maizuru.

Why did the collapse of medical care in Maizuru collapse?
Why did the mayor of Maizuru, Dr. Tadami, who was also a doctor, try and fail to revive Maizuru’s medical care?
What happened behind the scenes? Far from being about medicine, it was about the selfish power struggles of those in power.
If Maizuru’s medical care collapses because of greed and vanity, it will be a big problem.
This article explores the internal situation of Maizuru’s medical problems from a new perspective.
This is a new look at Maizuru’s medical problems.
This video is the result of a review of what I have heard from many people. Takashi Morimoto is the only one who has been able to gather all the information he needs to expose the problems in Maizuru.